Portfolio Details

Product information of the Bi-metal cable lug


We have developed this aluminium/copper bimetal cable lug ourselves for high performance. We use the cable lug on the conductors of our flexible PowerAmp-A and PowerAmp-AMS cables. They are designed according to DIN EN 61238 part 1 specifications to guarantee a very reliable connection.

Assembly of the Bimetal cable lug

We have a datasheet for you in which we describe our method of installation / assembly of the bimetal cable lug on a PowerAmp-A 07BN4-AF cable. You can also use this method on other cables such as our PowerAmp-AMS.

Innovated by Incore Cables


This Bimetal cable lug is designed and developed by Incore Cables. Incore Cables offers you a unique product with many advantages compared to existing products. Safety and quality are guaranteed as the cable meets national and international standards and in some cases 3rd party approvals. Please check out our web page if you want to know more about Innovated by Incore Cables.

Extension cables and custom assemblies

Incore Cables assembles custom extension cables based on your specifications and wishes. Complete with identification and thoroughly tested so you can be sure of their reliability. We offer this for any type of cable, any length and with any connectors you may want. Please do not hesitate to contact us, our people would love to tell you more about what we can do for you.

Please contact us for any request or questions about extension cables and customized assemblies. Our staff is delighted to help you and inform you about the possibilities.